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Deal ends Aug 23.
Olympics Offer (limited time only)! PRECISIONPLUS Digital Kitchen Scale has an ELEGANT black weighing platform with a large LCD screen display and REMOVABLE PLASTIC BOWL which is easy to clean and DISHWASHER SAFE.
This is the most advanced Digital Kitchen Food Scale - PRECISE, ACCURATE, easy to use and has a maximum capacity of 5kg/11lbs. The PrecisionPlus measures in GRAMS, OUNCES, POUNDS AND KILOGRAMS
PERFECT for DIET and WEIGHT LOSS: No need to guess your calorie intake. It has a Precision Tare button feature that will reset the displayed weight on the screen and calculates the weight of your ingredients. HASSLE FREE!.
Exceptional MULTIFUNCTION weighing scale perfect for the kitchen and home which includes 2 x AAA Batteries, READY to GO, easy access battery compartment (no screwdriver needed).
The scale has an AUTO SHUT-OFF function to save power and comes with a 100% Quality Guarantee.