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Deal ends Aug 12.
✔ PLAN AHEAD - The ultimate to-do list notepad for tracking daily activities, events and errands. Helps you track and remember all your daily goals.
✔ STAY ORGANIZED - Each 100-page planner comes with 100 tear off sheets per pad for work and home. Write down your daily tasks and get more productive.
✔ STAY MOBILE - Designed with pull off "Notes" and "To Buy" tabs for groceries and errands. You can easily take your lists with you to remember things 'on the go'!
✔ FULL FEATURES - Must Do and Task Checklists, Appointments, and Health (Water, Meals, Exercise). This planner is a Perfect Office Gift, Birthdays and more.
✔ ADD TO PORTFOLIO - Standard A5 paper size, this planner was designed to fit most portfolios, day planners and briefcases!