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Deal ends Aug 23.
THE OVVIO OILS DIFFERENCE: Our Essential Oils stand apart by using only the highest quality, potent, and pure plant sources from all over the world. Our Soothe Muscle Relief Blend has essential oils from Brazil, Slovenia, China, Canada, Sir Lanka, Nepal, and India to create a powerful and natural blend for sore muscle relief.
DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS: Our experts have over 30 years' experience masterfully and artistically blending the oils by hand to create the perfect mix. The Soothe blend is created from 9 powerful essential oils, which are combined to provide sore muscles relief. With potent oil and a full 15 ml bottle, one bottle of Soothe may be equal to 2-3 of a lesser oil!
POTENTIAL BENEFITS AND USES: Soothe Muscle Relief may help provide relief from minor aches and pains, as well as temporary relief from rheumatism and arthritis. It is a very powerful oil for pain relief without any harmful chemicals or synthetics. Soothe is a safe alternative to over-the-counter pain relievers with the benefits of all-natural ingredients.
ATTRIBUTES OF TOP OILS: Oils are our life's work! We evaluate a variety of factors when sourcing oils, including: Optimal Climate, Harvesting Techniques, Soil Conditions, Distillation Practices, and Storage Methods. The result is the absolute highest grade, potent, and pure essential oils you can buy.
EXPERIENCE ALL OF OUR OILS: We expertly craft a number of proprietary blends as well as offer single oils that will serve all of your aromatherapy needs. Some of our most popular blends include: Inhale (Respiratory), Slumber (Rest and Recovery), Soften (Women's Blend), Enhance (Mood Lifting), and Ease (Headache Relief). Popular Single Oils include Lavender, Sweet Orange, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Rosemary. Search for Ovvio Oils to see them all!