• Amazon offers P106A/P010 Antenna for $49.99 $39.99.
  • Waitlist available Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $49.99 FREE Shipping . FREE Shipping . It was shipped very fast,and very easy to assemble,the instructions are just text some pictures would be nice but it's pretty simple. So far it works fairly well in the house.it works exactly as described, if fact even better. I live in an area of The Louisiana. The antenna could easily be mounted outside because the provided cable is plenty long enough.I'm getting more channels now. For this price I don't know anywhere I could have found a better antenna. I have tried 3 outdoor antennas and this one out performs them all. We read reviews to help make buying decisions, and we dont like to spend alot of money on anything.The we took a chance, and we are amazed at how many channels we got compared to... 5 months after having it professionally installed, it quit working. If I jiggle the Antenna around, it works for a few hours. Antenna receives signal good. the motor for turning need stronger gears. I have bought two of these and the strong wind here in the Midwest spins the antenna around stripping the... Great product for the price. I now get all my local channels with great reception. Always had one or two I couldn't get before with other outside antenna. It is very thin which makes it easy to assamble just follow the intructions.I'm getting 79 channels with outdoor antenna.Fantastic product,very pleased with my purchase. Awesome antenna,well pleased!No more cable and no more satellite!!This unit as described,I get 58 channels crystal clear.Very happy with this antennae.
  • Deal ends Mar 28.

  • Premium Material with High Reception: Receive free digital broadcast High Definition TV signals
  • Includes wireless remote controller and antenna pole mount, makes it easier for you to place it over your house to get the best reception
  • Working Frequency: VHF 40~300MHz | UHF 470~890MHz
  • Full HDTV Support: 720p, 1080i, 1080p
  • Weather resistant and can be used on the roof or in the attic

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