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Ultrasonic Pest Repeller emits ultra-powerful deep penetrating electromagnetic waves which repels pests from entering your home,The patented electromagnetic causes in-wall wiring to send electronic pulse signals, thus acting as a shield and effectively preventing pests from passing through your home's walls. It will also disturb existing pests causing an unideal living environment for them. Get rid of rats and mice with the Repel A Pest Ultrasonic Pest Repeller!
No harmful chemicals,poisons, and traps - Famiy Friendly Pest Control - Silent, Eco Defense Pest Control Repeller is 100% safe around you and your family,Naturally drives pests out without killing them,Don't worry about dead pests everywhere.you and your pets are perfectly safe and won't hear a noise!
Natural Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller Would Save Your Money - No need spend thousands on dangerous exterminators and needlessly expose your kids, pets and yourself to poisonous, synthetic chemicals. Simply plug the Repel A Ultrasonic Pest Repller into the wall !
Pest Repellent Ultrasonic is safe for humans and common household pet. Repel Mice,Rats,Cockroach,Fly,Moths,Mosquito,Ants,Spiders,Fleas,Bed Bugs,Rodents and many more problem pests with ease.
The Installing point should be avoided from carpet ,curtain etc attaching sound material. Or else,the decrease of the sound pressure will do harm on the helminthes effect.To increase the effect,you should use several sets machine at the wareghouse or goods pile-up,several rooms.