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Large LCD Display Stand---Can easily and quickly read the time,very patically and coveniently
Loud and Clear Alarm---Loud alarm timer beeping could last 60 seconds so that you won't miss it
Timer &Clock Mode Switch---It is CLOCK mode turn on,under CLOCK mode Press 'START' button into COUNT-DOWN mode Press 'M' 'S' button simultaneously to ZERO status,then press 'M'and 'START' into COUNT-UP mode
Display Stand &Magnet Timer---Attach it to your fridge or stove or use the kickstand on the desk,Retractable Stand help you to put the timer anywhere you want and you can easy to read the timer
Timer Widely Used---As well as a count down timer,count up timer and clock,minute timer can also act as a stopwatch counting up from zero.Perfect timer for homework,exercise,gym workout,cooking sports,games and classroom timer activities,Maximum time is 99 minutes,59 seconds