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Deal ends Sep 02.
BOLD, VIBRANT COLORS: With 48 gorgeous colors and hues, you can create beautiful and original works of art in a variety of mediums.
WET OR DRY USE: Our versatile colored pencils allow you to work on wet or dry mediums, meaning you can use them for sketching, coloring, or painting in watercolor!
CONVENIENT STORAGE: The only thing better than using 48 highly-vibrant colored pencils is the fact they come standard with a canvas pencil wrap that stores them neatly and keeps them close at hand.
FREE BONUS ART SUPPLIES: Each order of our coloring pencils comes complete with a khaki-colored canvas pencil holder, pencil sharpener, eraser and even a blending brush. All absolutely FREE.
SHARE THE FUN: Coloring with watercolor pencils is fun for families, friends, and classmates. With 48 total colors and a variety of amenities, you can get everyone in on the coloring action.