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Deal ends Aug 19.
RECHARGES CAR: This set of intelligent car jumper cables is a lifesaver for those moments when you find yourself stalled on the side of the road! Recharge your car without needing help from anyone, and get home safely.
PORTABLE BATTERY CHARGER: This state-of-the-art battery charger is easy to use, even for the novice driver who finds himself stranded on the road with a dead battery. It is equipeed with 15000 MAH of power.
CHARGE DEVICES: This set includes an 8-connector laptop adapter with a 3-in-1 Micro USB Adapter that allows you to charge your smartphones, GPS, and more at the same time, so you will always have what you need!
AMAZING SET: This is a car jumper cable set, a 3-in-1 smart phone/electronic devices charger set, a car charger for the power pack, and an 8-connector set of laptop adapters. Always be prepared with this set!
LED FLASHLIGHT: This great set includes everything you need in an auto emergency, including a handy LED flashlight. Be able to locate your car jumper cables, phone, wallet, etc. even on the darkest of nights!