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Deal ends Sep 07.
Premium quality embellished window bird feeder, nobody else comes close. Our 100% crystal clear acrylic kit provides the ultimate pleasurable experience to view birds close up on the market.
Precision engineered 3mm acrylic leak proof kit with maximum-strength suction cups ruggedly built to withstand the elements.
Mounts securely on to any window creating a sanctuary in no time at all. Our prestigious half house design window bird feeders along with an elegant green perch are squirrel proof. High quality lucite acrylic roof shelters the birds as well as seeds from rain and snow.
You'll never have to take chances with Dignitree, our seamless window bird feeders are well-built and comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee which includes replacement warranty through our delightful customer service team. We're not satisfied until you are.
You've got an important decision to make. Rather than simply reading about the fact that each year millions of people discover for the first time the joys of birdwatching, why don't you make that a reality? Order now and get a limited time bonus giveaway - "Birding for everyone" multiple eBook series especially for you.