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LARGE SIZE 9.5" H x 9.3" L x 7.1" W accommodates stacked food storage containers and taller bottles than other bags. Front Zipper pocket keeps keys, phone and wallet easily accessible
HIGH QUALITY PREMIUM NYLON resists tears, punctures and stains. Our bag is waterproof to protect its' contents. Wipe it clean with just a damp cloth or towelette
ROOMY SIDE MESH POCKETS expand to fit items as large as a 20oz water bottles and 6" smartphones
ULTRA LIGHT WEIGHT LEAK-PROOF and non-toxic FDA-compliant EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) lining and PE foam insulation prevent leaks while maintaining foods at optimal temperatures
48" SHOULDER STRAP & Double-sewn Top Handle provide carrying versatility. Kids and adults can attach/detach the strap with quick-release thumb clips