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Deal ends Aug 21.
ANTI-SLIP - Bathtub Mat with over 120 Suction Cups for Tub or Shower - Each Suction Cup is 3/4 inch in diameter and holds on slippery surfaces - Fun non-slip bathmat for kids
WAFFLE-DESIGN - Water flows through the "waffle design" to the drain. No pooling. AND less material = ECO-FRIENDLY
PERFECT SIZE - 15" x 26" Fits Most Bathtubs and Showers - Perfect Size to Position for Safe Use
ANTI-MOLD + COMFORT - Top of Mat Cushions Feet for Comfort - Each suction cup creates a "soft pebble" feel. Anti-Mold Plastic for Easy Cleaning & Hygiene
FUN DESIGN - Add Cheer with a Rainbow - Clear with Colorful Stripes to Brighten any Bathroom - Perfect Bathroom Accessory for Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Orange and Purple Bathrooms - Add Color to a White Bathroom!