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Deal ends Sep 06.
STUNNING SURROUND SOUND:USB impressive simulated 7.1 surround sound. Variable bass boost enhances the reality and depth of explosions gun blasts and other deep sounds.
OPTIMIZED EARPADS:One set of innovative earpads provide hours of gaming comfort tailored to you. Together with an ultra-comfortable, unique 5-pieces of padded headband, ear cushions guarantees hours of gaming comfort.
FLEXIBLE, ROBUST HEADBAND: reinforced headband,offering nine levels of height adjustment for the perfect fit.Hidden microphone and the keypad button designed on the earcups for easy use.
SHOCKING SOUND:High-quality 40mm drivers with neodymium magnets and membranes. With extra vibration driver,bringing powerful amplified vibration deep bass effect.
Dynamic 40mm driver with high-precision sound source position and super shocking sound effects.Item with SADES customized retail packing(gift box)