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  • FUN SKEWERS FOR SERVING FRUIT - Just pop these metal picks into a bowl of fruit salad and your children or guest won't be able to resist helping themselves!
  • PERFECT FOR GARNISHING A MARTINI - The perfect accent to a well made cocktail is an enticing presentation of fruit. The watermelon bulb on top keeps the garnish from sliding into the glass.
  • CREATE APPETIZERS EASILY AND QUICKLY - Company is coming and you need to prepare a quick snack. Fruit kabobs, meat and cheese skewers, fresh tomato and mozzarella all come together effortlessly but look like you spent hours in the kitchen.
  • READY TO MAKE IMPRESSIVE FOOD AND DRINK PRESENTATIONS? Summer is coming, pick up a set or two so you are ready to host impromptu gatherings as well as backyard BBQ's, you will be using these party picks all season long!

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