• Amazon offers SHENFAN 1080P Audio R/L VGA to HDTV Converter Box for TV Laptop PC DVD,5V1A Power adapte for $14.98 $12.73.
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  • Deal ends Aug 10.

  • With this converter, the computer, laptop, DVD player, gaming consoles and some other video devices which is with VGA output can connect to large HD screens or HD projectors that is with HDMI input.
  • It enables you to connects computers with analog PC output to HDMI input of HD ready plasma, LCD or DLP TV
  • Compatible with HDMI 1.3 standard,Supports up to 1920 x 1080 @ 60Hz for PC input
  • Input: VGA & R/L Audio ports | Output: HDMI
  • Power: 5V DC Wall adapter (Included)

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