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Deal ends Aug 20.
HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS - Durable compound twill nylon fabric and polyester lining. Solid plated zinc zippers and other hardware.
PERFECT SIZE - A perfect size (9.8" W x 8.5" H x 3.9" D) and shape is proportionate to any person's body type and flatters your body. Useful interior and exterior pockets and compartments are great for organization.
LIGHTWEIGHT - Get shoulder and back pain relief by changing the heavy bag you carry all day. The ideal weight of a handbag, according to a USDA study is under 2.2 pounds (meanwhile SOYATER crossbody bag S6056 weighs 0.67 pounds).
WIDE ADJUSTABLE STRAP - You can play with the length (drop up to 26") and have it best for your height. The 1.5" wide strap distributes the weight over a wider area, won't cut into your shoulders and is ergonomic.
WATER RESISTANT - You will for sure enjoy amazing experience while relaxing outdoor with the help of your water resistant SOYATER crossbody bag S6056. Another obvious advantage is you will be able to effectively and easily clean up your bags without any form of trouble and without much time to dry up.