I appreciate the ease and relative speed with which I'm able to finish my taxes using Turbo Tax. However, I'm mainly adding a review to mention an experience I had while... If you've never used TurboTax, understand that the advertised price will get you through filing your Federal taxes...and that's it. HR block is a better program with ease of downloading and installation. Easy to use, get refund within a week Can't get the state file to download. Great! did not download. waste of money This years turbotax (for 2015 filing) was very disappointing. I do the taxes for myself and my grandson each year. On my taxes, ending up printing and sending by mail. This is the best way to do your taxes. Easy and error-proof. Charge too much.
Deal ends Apr 19.
Everything in Basic plus extra help to maximize 350+ deductions and credits
Easy questions you can answer - confidence it's done right
Get the biggest deduction you deserve - ItsDeductible® helps you accurately value and import your donated items
Helps ensure accuracy with automatic import features - Import financial data, W-2s, investment and mortgage information, as well as last year's tax data
Exclusively at Amazon, receive a free 1-year trial of Quicken Starter Edition 2017 for Windows with your purchase of TurboTax
Includes 5 free federal e-files and one download of a TurboTax State product (State: print for free or e-file for $19.99 each)*
Try TurboTax Premier for handling your stocks, bonds, mutual funds and employee stock plans