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Deal ends Aug 18.
Whether your flipping an omelet, pancakes, or fried eggs the soft flexible exterior and rounded corners make it easy to get underneath just about any food for PERFECT NON-STICK COOKING - sturdy enough to manage hamburgers fish or a stack of grilled cheese sandwiches due to its solid metal core.
Made from HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS - it's not only well made but its durable and will last a long time - It won't bend melt warp crack or flake or scratch your nonstick pans - ideal for any cookware or bakeware - It's the perfect addition to your kitchen utensil collection
Stylish yet comfortable and perfectly balanced to make it EASY TO USE - the grip is ergonomically designed with comfort in mind while the extra-long shaft keeps your hands away from a hot pan and stove - The perfect shape width and length with wonderful features like a hole for hanging and easy storage
EASY TO CLEAN and dishwasher safe so you can avoid any food odor or lingering taste
SPECIAL PROMOTIONS - Make sure to check out the current Specials Offers and Product Promotions below. We are so sure you will love our product and be happy with your investment we provide a 60 day, no-questions asked MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and world class customer service!