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Deal ends Aug 13.
Compact in Size, this diffuser is very compact and you can place it easily anywhere. With the need of refreshing humidification or aromatherapy, especially in dry areas, air conditioned rooms or during the winter, this diffuser works best
Advanced Diffusion Technology, this diffuser comes with Ultrasonic diffusion that ensures the integrity of the beneficial molecular structure of essential oils and allows for easy absorption by the body. You can add around 5 drops of essential oil directly to the water to enjoy aromatherapy
Another advantage of using Ultrasonic water-oxygen diffusion is that it produces healthy anion in air which is similar to vitamins in food
Works in Three Mist Modes, this diffuser allows you to operate it in three different modes including high mist, low mist and interval mist (10 seconds on/10 seconds off)
Great mist that rivals large humidifiers. Supports ordinary water bottles up to 750ml, which means it can operate non-stop for 9 hours with max. mist mode. Note: Please fix the bottle tightly with the adapter by screwing with efforts otherwise it will cause no mist or leaking water