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Deal ends Aug 27.
CONSIDERATE DESIGN: this small case with secure zipper and strong elastic holders is easy to handle and carry everywhere
WELL EQUIPPED COMPACT KIT includes pintle, Threader,Button,color coil,flexible thread,Tape Measure,Scissors,thimble,mother mouth, Needle Set,Magnifier,metal crochet,curette,sweater,seam ripper,Crayons.
SEW SIMPLY TO CARRY: Take it with you everywhere! These premium light weight kits are small and portable, their ideal size can slip into a purse, suitcase, briefcase, office desk drawer, car, gym locker, or RV.
MAKES A PERFECT GIFT for almost all ages and occasions - Girls, Boys, Teens, Moms, Grandmas, Men, Crafters, Campers and Travelers, newlyweds, college students Kits Birthdays, Camping Trips and Travel.
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: If you don't feel 100% satisfied, we will refund your money, no questions asked.