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Deal ends Aug 15.
NON TOXIC CHLORINE FREE PEVA SHOWER LINER - Many cheap shower liners are made from toxic PVC a highly carcinogenic chemical. This chemical can linger in your bathroom for up to 28 days making you and your family sick.
ANTI-BACTERIAL - Inhibits bacteria growth on your shower liner.
RUST PROOF GROMMETS & WEIGHTED MAGNETS - Keep your shower liner looking new all the time and protect against the humidity in the bathroom with magnets at the bottom of the liner to stick to your tub.
MILDEW RESISTANT - Don't be disgusted or embarrassed with a layer of mildew on your shower liners. We offer a 12 month warranty against mildew or mold build up.
NO MORE CHEMICAL ODORS - Our shower liners won't make you nauseous or feel sick from chemical smells that can linger in your bathroom for months.