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Deal ends Aug 21.
NEVER FORGET A THING: The Smart Planner's white board lets you write just about anything. Keep yourself or family on track with appointments, shopping lists, birthdays and more, improving communication between family members regarding important times and dates.
GO AHEAD, WRITE, SKETCH, OR DOODLE! Featuring an ultra-strong back magnet, you can attach this schedule organizer to any magnetic-friendly surface which makes it easier for family members to update one another on trips, outings or events.
SUPERIOR MAGNET STRENGTH: Each of our dry erase calendar's magnets are 30 mils stronger than your average kitchen refrigerator magnet or dry erase board, meaning you never have to worry about it slipping, sliding or falling.
• STRUCTURE AT HOME OR WORK: Keep your home, office or business running more smoothly thanks to our versatile, removable calendar that can be used with dry erase markers or wet erase markers for enhanced to-do lists.
• MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: We're out to provide customers with the very best magnetic dry erase board possible, which is why our products are backed by a 30-day money back guarantee and superior customer service.