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Deal ends Aug 28.
Made from 100% POLYESTER MICROFIBER, light weight,absorbent,Breathable and dry quickly
multi functions,can be used as balaclava, headband, face mask, neck warmer, yoga wear, foulard, hairband, scrunchie, neck gaiter, wristband, cap, do rag, hood, neckchief, pirate bandana, sahariane, sunguard for cycling, skying, hiking, climbing, yoga, running, riding and many more
Size: 47.5CMx25CM; Thickness: 0.04MM; Appropriate for head circumference 53--62CM
Package: 6PCS in total, 1PC for each color, no repeat
GUARANTEED SATISFACTION: The ONLY headband with a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee for products sold by SmilerSmile Headwear!