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Mini Size and High Performance - Extremely soft design and lightweight. You can either hide it behind the TV, lay flat on table or stick it high on window(it can stand moisture weather and exposure to sunshine). If the antenna is installed vertically (e.g. on a wall or window), run the coaxial cable from the top or bottom of the antenna (not the sides).
10FT LONG CABLE - Makes it easier for you to place it in your house to get the best reception, especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows.
Never Pay Your Cable or Satellite For Television Again! Sobetter antenna can pull in all of your local news, weather, sitcoms, kids and sports programs absolutely FREE. Just connect it to your television and let the antenna do all the work. Your cable company doesn't want you to know this, but you can still get lots of channels right over the air and for free.
The signal of the 50miles is mainly available in the range of 35-55miles. Quality of reception may vary by channel depending on distance from broadcast tower, terrain, and other factors( Warm Tips:Before you buy, please visit:antennapoit.com to find out what channels are available in the range of 35-55miles).
100% QUALITY GUARANTEE 30 DAY BACK MONEY GUARANTEE - 12 MONTH WARRANTY: Please rest assured that you have made the right purchase, Our indoor TV Antenna is your best choice.Should you experience any issues with reception or bad signaling feel free to contact us, we can hope you solve your problems or give you a found.We are pretty confident about the quality of our antenna that is why it comes with a 12 month warranty.