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Deal ends Aug 21.
ENJOY SAFETY, SECURITY and PEACE OF MIND - In this highly reflective elastic vest belt harness you are visible 360 degree from far away.
COMFORT and PORTABILITY-Easily adjustable reflective harness strips bands are very comfortable and light weight. Easy to take with you anywhere you go. They fit wide range of sizes and body types. It adjusts adjust from 24 IN to 44 IN.
MULTIPURPOSE FUNCTIONALITY-Reflective gear tape is great for running cycling walking jogging motorcycle. Fits men and women. THE ONLY REFLECTIVE BELT YOU WILL EVER NEED!
TOP QUALITY and DURABILITY - Heavy Duty Harness Clip will keep your reflective vest strips tight to your body. You will not even know you are wearing it.
GUARANTEE - AprovedForSafety products come with our exclusive 100% Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee! so add to cart and enjoy safety, security, quality and comfort, for less.