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Deal ends Aug 28.
✔ ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF YOUR BREW with this brushed stainless steel coffee and tea kettle capable of holding a generous 1200 ml / 40 oz.
✔ Baristas know the design of a goose neck pour-over kettle will PRODUCE A SMOOTH, PRECISE WATER FLOW, drawing the most delicious taste from the brewing source.
✔ Simple Kitchen Product's pour over kettle is SUITABLE FOR COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL USE and will improve your coffee or tea brew.
✔ SAFE FOR USE ON INFRARED HEAT, GAS, OR ELECTRIC RANGES, this attractive bee hive stainless steel pour over kettle will also add a spark of design to your countertop.
✔ BACKED BY A NO-QUESTIONS-ASKED, 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE, Simple Kitchen Products will replace your kettle in the unlikely event of a complication. We create premium products and back them up with our premium warranty. ORDER YOUR KETTLE TODAY, RISK FREE!