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Deal ends Aug 21.
DUAL BRUSH PENS SET OF 12 - Stationary Cupboard dual brush pens include a 0.8mm round fine tip for consistent lines and a 2mm brush tip for shading, coloring, and blending. You'll find that they're excellent for casual art all the way up to some of your most important works
HIGH QUALITY - Long lasting professional standard Marker pens designed for absolute perfection, We choose a very colorful package so it looks really nice for gifts, the packaging is strong and holds the marker pens solid and keep them from drying out.
NON TOXIC - Stationary Cupboard Marker pens are made from non-toxic water based ink and do not have any chemical scent or toxic vapors. No more dealing with headaches from chemical vapors or worries about toxic ink.
PERFECT FOR EVERY SKILL LEVEL - These professional quality marker pens are a perfect option for artists of every skill level and can be used for amateur to professional fine art. You'll find that they're excellent for casual art all the way up to some of your most important works.
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - Thousands of happy customers come back every month for new Stationary cupboard products, so we're 100% confident you'll love your new marker pens. In fact, we're SO confident, that if you don't love these marker pens for whatever reason (or no reason at all) we'll give you every cent back. That means you either love them, or they're free!