• Amazon offers Storage Caddy Organizer for Nursery and Arts for $12.99 $8.99.
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  • Deal ends Aug 11.

  • An EASY STORAGE solution for everything you need in the NURSERY like diaper changing supplies and bath supplies for your little one.
  • We like the useful PRACTICAL DESIGN that can be RE-USED AGAIN AND AGAIN as the kids grow up. Outgrown diapers already? Use it to store toys and small dolls.
  • Your TODDLER will have lots of fun following you around the house while carrying all of his or her FAVOURITE TOYS in the storage caddy. Definitely no excuse to leave behind a trail of mess here ... or so we think?
  • Older kids can use the storage caddy for ARTS AND CRAFTS supplies. Switch their creative scene from the kitchen, to the dining table to the backyard with everything they need in the caddy.
  • If you've still got some life in the storage caddy after all those years, try storing winter accessories, party supplies or your own arts supplies.

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