• Amazon offers Superjare 4 Cup Reusable Stainless Steel Coffee Dripper 30105 for $19.99 $16.95.
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  • Coffee Lovers' Choice - The perfect alternative to disposable paper filters, which absorb essential oils from your beans and grounds and rob your coffee of essential oils and nutrients.
  • Double Filter - Made from 18/8 Stainless Steel, which is of finest quality and highly durable, and can withstand high heats. No Plastic, No Paper. The Double Filter stops large particles and debris from marring your coffee experience.
  • Multi-purpose und Portable - Small, light and potable, so it is easy to take to go camping, hiking, backpacking etc. Easy to use. Fits on almost all sorts of coffee mugs, cups, drip pots or trays. For exact dimensions pls refer to the images
  • Reusable and easy to clean - The filter cone consists of tiny laser-cut holes and an ultra fine stainless steel mesh on top. ECO-FRIENDLY and sustainable. No more running out of paper filters. Cleaning is less hassle. Simply rinse well with warm water, or dishwasher is also safe.
  • A wonderful Gift - The Superjare fine craftsmanship makes it the perfect gift for all the coffee lovers in your life.

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