• Amazon offers Swim Goggles + Reversible Swimming Cap + Protective Case • Exclusive Set for $19.95 $15.96.
  • Ends in 02h 22m 07s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $19.95 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. clearly,good! The cap only worked for one month, after that it floated sucked air pockets. i had to readjust it every other lap. i eventually tossed it. Overall it's fine but it doesn't dit on nose properly and hurts terribly. I got this as a gift. Really appreciate the product. You will no go wrong with the purchase. Great all around The best and cheapest option . The glasses start to fog after using them for a while . perfect. Cap keeps water out of your ears. Goggles do not leak one bit. Had these for about two months and they broke in the front. Would not buy again The best design with the great comfort level and quality. Helps me to dive into the water without any trouble. The goggles were clear, stylish, anti-fog and UV protected. Now I can see how badly I swim!
  • Deal ends Mar 28.

  • CLAIM YOUR SPECIAL BUNDLE NOW: We always like to offer more. So right now, besides the Premium Hard Case to protect your new goggles (Sold at $9.95), we ALSO give you a Swim Elite Cap (sold on Amazon at $14.95) . You GET DOUBLE the value if you purchase today. The offer is limited.
  • LOOK GOOD - 6 SWIM GOGGLE FEATURES every made for your needs: (1) Silicone cushions for comfort, (2) 100% U.V. Protection, (3) Anti-Fog Coating, (4) Anti-Shatter Lenses, (5) Mirror Coating, (6) Adjustable Head-Strap.
  • SWIM GOOD - BETTER UNDERWATER VISION for your swimming experience: The 180 Degrees field of vision coupled with the NO BLUR and NO GLARE finishes reduce tunnel vision and allow you to see clearly every time.
  • FEEL GOOD - FULLY LEAK PREVENTABLE TECHNOLOGY for your comfort: The soft silicone frame and nose bridge are not only designed to be comfortable, but they create the perfect amount of vacuum to KEEP WATER OUT. This way, you can protect your eyes from the chlorine that might irritate them. Plus, you put them on and take them off with just ONE CLICK. Easy-peasey.
  • ALWAYS BE ENTIRELY SATISFIED: Your experience with the products is our guideline. Our goggles are tested by professional swimmers and instructors, but if they don’t get your seal of approval, we’ll do our best to fix the situation as soon as possible. That’s why your order comes with a BEST QUALITY GUARANTEE. * ASK OTHERS: See how people feel about using our products. It’s usually things like “I love this!, “Looks and feels great!”, “Ranks among the top!” or simply “Five stars”.

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