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Deal ends May 18.
FREE Live: You will no need pay Cable or Satellite for Television Again! The Super Thin Indoor HDTV Antenna can pull in all of your local news, sitcom, kids and sports programs in full HD.Free HD Channels like ABC, CBS, NBC, PBC, Fox and others in 50 miles rang from Broadcast Tower, from national TV networks to local TV shows, there’s only the one-time purchase of the antenna, then there’s no cost to you after that. Imagine, month-to-month TV viewing without an annoying contract or monthly fee.
50-MILE RANGE -- The Upgraded Version antenna amplifier boosts the TV antenna with better signal and butterfly pattern optimizes reception. Working frequency: VHF 174-240MHz, UHF 470-862MHz. Channel reception may vary depending on what's broadcasting in your area, distance from broadcast towers, terrain and the surroundings. Before you buy, Check what available channels are in your area by using these websites:"antennaweb.org" or "antennapoint.com".
16.5FT LONG COAXIAL CABLE -- Makes indoor TV antenna easier for you to place it in your house to get the best reception, especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows.
SLIM & HIGH PERFORMANCE -- Paper-thin design makes free HDTV antenna easy to lay flat on table, hide it behind the TV, or place it high on window (highly recommended). It'll pull in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows!
WHAT YOU GET -- NewPlus Indoor HDTV Antenna with 16.5ft coax cable, USB power adapter with spare cable,Amplifier Signal Booster,Spare 3M Sticker. Together with 45 Days Money Back, One Year Guarantee and Friendly, Easy-to-reach Support. If you don't satisfied with the channels you get, feel free to contact us.