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Deal ends Sep 05.
MADE FROM 7075 ALUMINUM ALLOY: Much higher tensile strength than any 7001 aluminum alloy tent stake on the market. You won't have to worry about the hassle of a broken tent peg in the backcountry.
45 OUNCES/13 GRAMS EACH: The aluminum alloy is so light you will hardly notice the tent stakes on long backpacking trips.
7 Inches EACH: The perfect length. Easy on backpack space but long enough to keep your tent secure.
Suitable for Camping, Beach, Outdoor and Sand.Our "Y" design aluminum tent pegs penetrate and hold firmly in a wide range of soil conditions.
If for any reason you are unsatisfied, just let us know and we'll fix it. From refund to replacement, we're here to make sure you are satisfied!