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Deal ends Aug 13.
WARNING: Only HaveSomeGoods is authorized to sell genuine HaveSomeGoods products with warranty. So it should be SOLD by HaveSomeGoods. Be careful with imposters! TOUGH outside and SOFT inside --- You may feel these laundry wash bags are tough especially when they are brand new, but you will fall in love with them once you start using these lingerie bags. We are so confident in our washing bags that we offer Life Time warranty with no questions asked.
NEWEST innovative material and mesh construction give you the BEST extra protection for your Hosiery, Stocking, Underwear & intimates, which can be made from silk, natural cotton or others. Safe in washer and dryer.
This pack of 3 Deluxe White Washing Bags includes: 1 Medium Bag (16" x 12"), 1 Large Bag (20" x 16") and 1 X-Large Bag (24" x 20"). Each has unique beautiful color zipper for more Luxurious and Robust.
Our wash bags are more than just lingerie wash bags. In addition to getting the highest quality laundry wash bags available on the market, you also working with a family owned business who are attentive to your needs and here to help answer any questions you have.
When you order your HaveSomeGoods Wash Bags today you're protected by our 100% satisfaction guarantee - if you're not 100% happy with your wash bags or if they do not hold up to your expectation, we'll replace it free of charge - no questions asked. So order now!