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Deal ends Aug 16.
Carbon steel blades and wheel (stays sharper longer than stainless steel), with thick comfortable stainless steel handles, sturdy and durable, this manual can opener will last you for years. Perfect gift for family and friends on Christmas, Wedding, Bridal or Birthday party and more.
Beautiful design - after using your can opener, leave out on the counter or hang it up with the loops. our products are designed to embellish your kitchen. Convenient holes to hang your opener for quick store.
Easily handle clockwise rotation, it can easily open cans, wound integrity, not to hurt the hand, high security.
After the completion of open cans, lids without distortion, you can still cover back in place, the food is clean, and can prevent dust, insects pollute food, causing food spoilage.
Can open all kinds of canned, easy to carry, suitable for camping trips, picnics, travel and home kitchen use, also can use as a bottle opener, it is an essential product of your life.