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Universal connector is suitable for both indoor & outdoor use makes the shower can be taken in bathroom, kitchen, garden, everywhere if you have running water, easily and quickly dealing with the trouble of pet bathing, provides gentle massage and makes your pet bathing enjoyable, help clean pet's skin thoroughly and keep the hair tidily.
Allows single hand operation. In general, when bathing for pet, people have to use one hand to hold the pet and the other hand to control the shower,The shower head is ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in the hand. There are equipped with shampoo storage container and water lock button, so you could easily control its multifunction and perform all bathing actions just with one hand.
Uarter Pet multifunctional shower integrates massage,Practice shows bathing a same dog, using our pet shower will effectively save water and shampoo and half of the usual time.
Uarter pet shower bath grooming tool ,your best choose for your puppy and other pets