• Amazon offers Ultimate Grip Sports Headband - Quadruple Braided Headwear with No Slip Gri for $6.95 $5.90.
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  • KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE: Tired of your hair getting into your eyes? Yup, we were too. So we designed Tough Headbands to stay on your head like no other.
  • DISCOVER YOUR TOUGH & DURABLE SIDEKICK: Wear your Tough Headband on the soccer field or softball diamond, chilly morning jogs, strenuous yoga sessions, volleyball or basketball court.
  • SAY NO TO HEADBAND HEADACHES: Our stretchy spandex/polyester/nylon blend ensures you won't get a headband headache.
  • WASHABLE: After games or workouts, hand wash the sweat away and hang dry. Our headbands retain their form, color and elasticity for years.
  • CUSTOMERS LOVE US AND OUR LIFETIME WARRANTY: With over 7000 5-star reviews on Amazon, our headwear products are the #1 choice for Amazon customers. We are so confident you'll love our headwear that we provide a lifetime warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee on them. Don't wait, take advantage of our summer sale today!

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