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Deal ends Aug 21.
1.Universal size waterproof case bag fits all smartphones up to 5.5" diagonal size (Certain big screen phones need to remove protective case); Credit card wallet money waterproof dry bag for beach, fishing and water park activities
2..Compatible with devices up to :100mm x 175mm. (clear window 70mm X 160mm); Comes with a neck strap and a arm belt for convenient carrying.
3.Clear Window on both front and back sides, perfect for taking pictures, videos and checking emails; Offers waterproof / snowproof / dirtproof protection for your device while maintaining full touch screen functionality
4.Features a simple snap and lock access, easy to keep out water, snow, dust, sand, and dirt;
5.Fits the following devices (and any other device with a 6.0 inch; diagonal or smaller): Samsung Galaxy S5 S4 S3 ; Samsung Note 3 / 2 / 1 ; iPhone 5 5S 5C 4S 4 ; iPhone 6 4.7 inch; iPhone 6 plus 5.5 inch; iPod Touch ; LG G2 G3 ; HTC One M8, M7, Max ; Nexus 5, 4 ; Sony Z1, Z2 ; Nokia Lumia 520, 630, 930 ; BlackBerry Z10, Z3, Z30 ; Motorola MOTO X, MOTO G