• Amazon offers Urgod Led Flashlight Torch Adjustable Focus Zoom Light Lamp for $15.99 $10.19.
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  • ATTACK HEAD: The self defense torch has 6 sharp thorns, you can take a self-defense action or break the window in an emergency situation or outdoor hiking
  • MULTIFUNCTION: The waterproof level of this flashlight torch lantern is IPX-6, you can use it in heavy rain. Besides, It can be used during biking, camping, backpacking, hunting, fishing, emergencies and home repairing
  • FEATURES: You can choose 3 brightness modes of the attack head torch (High, Mid, Strobe) to meet different needs of lighting. It is visible at up to 500 feet away
  • ENERGY SAVING: Use one 18650 rechargeable Li-ion battery or 3 AAA batteries. After use, please take the battery out
  • COMPACT SIZE: 6.1" x 1.4" x 1.4". It perfects for storing or carrying, especially when you go camping, hunting. Shock resistant metal body won't split or crack, but remains lightweight and strong, with a built-in carrying string

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