• Amazon offers Vanika Roll Up Dish Drying Rack, Anti-Rust Stainless Steel, 18.5 by 16-Inch, Gree for $21.95 $18.65.
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  • TOUGH STAINLESS STEEL DISH RACK; enjoy unbeatable quality with the Vanika Stainless Steel Roll Up Dish Drying Rack! Made of tough stainless steel, this drying rack is very solid and sturdy, and will beautifully resist to constant use and rust for years.
  • ROLL-UP / FOLDABLE DRYING RACK; there's nothing as annoying as a large drying rack in a small kitchen - where are you going to store it? Luckily, our rack can be easily rolled up when you're not using it, so you can store it virtually anywhere!
  • SPACE SAVER; we take pride in the high quality of our stainless steel rollup dish drying rack, which measures 18.5 x 16 inches. It's much wider than competing products, meaning that it will easily fit atop your sink, providing a lot of space for drying dishes and defrosting foods!
  • HEAT RESISTANT; the Vanika Stainless Steel Roll Up Dish Drying Rack is thermoresistant, and can resist up to 450° F. You can run hot water over it, and even place hot pots on the rack without causing any damage!
  • 100% MONEY-BACK; if you're not satisfied with our roll up dish drying rack, we have good news for your - you can get your money back! We'll give you a full refund no matter the reason, so click the orange button and order with confidence!

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