• Amazon offers VersaChalk 100% Natural Chalkboard Cleaner Spray & Eraser Kit (10 oz) for Liquid Chalk Markers, Whiteboards, and Dry Erase Boards for $14.99 $9.99.
  • Ends in 02h 50m 20s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $14.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Spray bottle came broken... won't spray Works well Love this chalk cleaner Works wonderfully! Thank you! The product is alright. My spray bottle leaks everywhere and solution runs all over the place. Its a mess . I have found this product IMPOSSIBLE to spray due to this issue. Works great! I really liked this product, once I figured out how to use it. Looking forward to is in class my classroom!
  • Deal ends Mar 23.

  • RENEWS CHALKBOARDS & WHITEBOARDS - Removes stubborn liquid chalk and dry erase marker stains from virtually any surface. Your board will look like new in minutes!
  • TRIPLE ACTION CLEANER - Spray, erase and wipe! Kit includes 10 oz all natural chalkboard spray, 2 magic erasers, and a durable microfiber cloth.
  • NO MORE LIQUID CHALK STAINS - Have an old stained board? Did you draw on a porous surface? Our chalkboard cleaner kit removes tough liquid chalk stains.
  • ALL NATURAL & NON-TOXIC - Perfect for households with kids, pets, and people with allergies. Water-based cleaner contains no alcohol, ammonia, or petrochemicals. Magic eraser is made of BPA free plastic.
  • CLEANER SPRAY INGREDIENTS - De-ionized water, Lauric Glucoside, Sucrose Ester, Glycine, and Lauryl betain (plant derived).

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