• Amazon offers Vornado 630 Mid-Size Whole Room Air Circulator for $64.99 $55.24.
  • Ends in 04h 19m 56s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. FREE Shipping . FREE Shipping . This item Vornado 630 Mid-Size Whole Room Air Circulator FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping Amazon.com Amazon.com Amazon.com Amazon.com Amazon.com Black Black White Black Black White 12 x 8.25 x 13.6 in 7.4 x 5.9 x 8.7 in 13.5 x 11.75 x 15 in 9.7 x 8.9 x 11.25 in 15 x 15.5 x 16.75 in 7.2 x 12.8 x 9.2 in 6.61 lbs 2.1 lbs 7.32 lbs 4.25 lbs 10.9 lbs 1 lb Great fan! Very quiet and sturdy! Almost short of 2 years, its starting to make an electrical smell. Loved it. And the previous model we owned but at $70 would habe hoped for longer than 2 years. Effective air flow around the room with reasonable price and good quality. Does not cool a room as advertised This fan is great. It circulates air really well keeps your room nice and cool. Great quality this is my second Vornado and they're amazing. This fan is made of the world's cheapest plastic, and breaks very easily. I have had two of the three clips that hold the face piece on snap off, the speed adjuster broke in two... Fabulous fan. This is our third Vornado because they really do circulate the air. Wouldn't have any other brand. Fan worked great for 6 months and then completely stopped. You would think I would give it a one star review except I called Vornado and after the customer service rep walked me... I ordered this fan for college in August and it's basically been running since then. Great fan that is strong and obviously lasts for a while Worth the Money for a Fan of Supirior Quality, and Piece of Mind with a 5 year Warranty.
  • Deal ends May 23.

  • Vornado's signature Vortex Technology provides complete circulation of all the air throughout a room
  • Superior performance through deep-pitched blades that move air up to 70 feet
  • Multi-directional airflow and whisper-quiet operation
  • 3 speed settings and removable grill for easy cleaning
  • Backed by a 5-year limited warranty. NOTE: This product is ideal for small to mid-size rooms, such as a bedroom, kitchen or office.

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