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Deal ends Aug 16.
★ EASY TO BE HEARD - Super loud whistles with over 100 Decibels guaranteed, allows you to command attention from half a mile with just a soft blow!
★ FITS ANY NECK SIZE - Stylish detachable 19" black & white lanyards with adjustment ball for a comfortable fit around your neck!
★ SUPERIOR VALUE PACK - Made of high quality lightweight brass metal with an inside cork pea ball, it features a highly bold crisp sound!
★ TAKE IT ANYWHERE - The soft adjustable strings can be removed and the whistle can be easily attached to a keychain for a fast & easy transport!
★ RISK FREE TRIAL - 90 day Money Back Guarantee and Superior Packaging make the 2 pack a great Sporting event giveaway, Birthday Present or GIFT! Take advantage of a great DEAL for this high quality combo!