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Deal ends Aug 27.
Fashionable Design. This aromatherapy essential oil diffuser adopted the sleek shape of desk lamp, which can be used as a decor on your desk. Support lights only mode so you can used it as a desk lamp and it is a good companion for children who are afraid of darkness at the bed time.
Refresh and Purify Air. Adding several drops of essential oil, the aromatherapy essential oil purifier turns water and essential oil into tiny particles to refresh and purify the air. With sweet-scented fragrance, it is helpful in deodorizing the smell of stale cigarette smoke, cooking and pets.
Humidify Your Space. With ultrasonic waves technology, this cool mist aroma humidifier vaporizes water and ionizes essential oil to humidify your room and lift your mood. Moisturize and humidify the air we breathe to reduce infection of skin.
Humanized Working modes. It supports 4 working modes: continuous mist, 3-hour pattern, lights only and mist only mode. With 100ml water tank capacity, this aroma essential oil diffuser allows 4-5 hours continuous mist time. Under 3-hour pattern, it will shutdown automatically after 3 hours.
7 Mood Light and Auto-off System. With 7 changing mood light, you can choose the color you like to adjust it in dim or bright mode or set steady on. When water runs out of, it will shut down automatically to ensure safety.