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Deal ends Aug 15.
DIMENSIONAL SOUND QUALITY streams high-fidelity stereo sound with crystal clear vocal articulations and rich, orchestral music range. Your bathroom will sound like a concert hall!
FULLY IPX4 WATERPROOF with sealed silicone case and interface. Shockproof and impervious to dust and debris. Ideal for the shower, a day at the beach, washing the car or road trips
MULTI-FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES allow hands-free talk with built-in mic; use as remote shutter release for your phone; and skip through or replay a song with one-button convenience
EASY CONNECTIVITY in under 6 seconds with your smartphone, tablet or computer. Long-range effectiveness up to 10 meters from your device. Place your speaker outdoors while you garden or relax poolside
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE for 12 months after purchase. Expert technical support and customer service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.