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Deal ends Aug 22.
✓ ORGANIZE & PLAN AHEAD - 16" x 13" inches - Our chalkboard designed calendar planners are ideal for to-do lists, notes, meal prepping, event planning, coordinating and preparing your daily/weekly/monthly schedule. A perfect addition to your home, office or classroom to help maximize organization.
✓ VERSATILE WITH MULTIPLE USES - MARKERS ARE NOT INCLUDED - Our Evolve Skins chalkboard designed products can be used with any Wet Erase & Liquid Chalk Markers. Start jotting down your plans, events, schedule, milestone, birthday, holiday, anniversary, appointment, deadline, due date, goal, etc!
✓ DURABLE HIGH QUALITY STRONG VINYL STICKER - We use the highest grade vinyl and add a finishing coat of lamination to create a durable and high end finish. Made for sticking to surfaces without leaving sticky residue when removed.
✓ MADE IN USA - Lushleaf Designs is proudly designed and Printed in USA.
✓ LIFETIME GUARANTEE - At Lushleaf Designs, we are dedicated to your satisfaction. That is why we can offer a lifetime guarantee. If you are ever not satisfied with the performance of your 'Artisanal Black Weekly Planner"' send it back with no questions asked!