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Deal ends Aug 15.
Built-in Ionizer: Anion density up to 6000000 pcs/cm³. Negative ions can neutralize the positive charge to reduce the static frizz static electricity, bifurcation and tie. Reproduce smooth shine charming hair!
Super Rapid Heating: Instant heating in less than one minute allows you to simply plug in and begin brushing.
5-Speed Thermostat Design: Set to desired temperature using the built in LED screen and begin brushing. Temperature settings range from 150℃for straighter, finer hair to 230℃ for thick and curly hair.
Patent Anti Scald Teeth Design: Merge the ceramic iron straightener, detangling brush, anion hair massager together, gives you a comfortable and safe experience during straighten your hair. Improved parallel bristles design makes our straightener brush work well with thick & long curly hair.
Comfortable to Use: The handle adopt ergonomics design, more fashion and more comfortable. 360°rotatable tail keep the line shapely, make brushing more convenient.