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Deal ends Aug 13.
Transparent Design, This Voion window antenna is specially designed for positioning on window.With its crystal transparent look and grace strips, it looks like a gorgeous art.Which can be sun-through.
Light as a feather, You can put it higher on wall; lay flat on table; on window (strongly recommended), and it will provide you with opportunities to watch crystal clear digital & HD shows!
Easy Installation. Just with 3 steps - Unwrap, Plug it in and Scan channels.The antenna will do all the work itself.
10 feet Longer Cables and Coaxial Connectors - Makes it easier for you to place it in your house to get the best reception.
Full HD - 35 miles range to access from broadcast tower.It delivers full 1080p HD to any digital-ready TV.Check http://dtv.gov/maps or www.tvfool.com to see the available channels in your area first.