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Deal ends Aug 19.
SHIELD kids and pets from EXTREME HEAT, BUGS & SUNBURNS - PROTECT your toddler's skin from harmful exposure to keep it soft, healthy and glowing. No compromises there!
TRAVEL HAPPY! Roll Down Windows and ENJOY FRESH AIR while blocking sunlight and glare off your kids eyes. KEEP WINDOWS OPEN when the car is parked
HIGHEST QUALITY Nylon Mesh Fabric Sunshade Screen with Larger holes will give you the BEST BLIND SPOT VISIBILITY and COMPLETE PRIVACY. COMPLETELY SAFE and DURABLE!
SHAPE, SIZE and FIT: Minimum Width - 25 inches (63 cm), Maximum Width - 39 inches (99 cm). Height - 18 inches (46 cm); LARGEST ONES AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET!
Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee!! WE MEAN IT! We are only happy when you are. ADD TO CART and enjoy your road trip!