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Deal ends Aug 27.
Integrating eleven functions into one tool, the utility pliers boasts needle nose pliers, regular pliers, wire cutter, saw, small screwdriver, can opener, nail file and large screwdriver, ruler/fish scaler/hook remover, Philips screwdriver, bottle opener and medium screwdriver and knife;
Durable and lightweight folding pliers feature comfortable grip two-tone anodized aluminum handles. Multitool pocketknife constructed with stainless steel components in mirror finish for lightweight durability;
Versatile pocket pliers, the perfect tool for handling multiple tasks whether fishing and camping, completing DIY home repairs or commuting to and from work. Tools stay perfectly aligned use after use;
Opens to 6 inch length and folds to a compact 4 inches for safe storage in pants pockets, backpacks, briefcases, kitchen drawer, or glove compartment. Includes convenient nylon carrying case with Velcro closure;
Click add to cart and order with confidence. Your purchase is backed by manufacturer's one-year warrantee.