Ends in 04h 06m 52s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $14.91 FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. This item X-PROTECTOR Premium GIANT Pack Furniture Pads 235 piece! HUGE QUANTITY of Felt Pads Furniture Feet with MANY BIG SIZES – Your Best Wood Floor Protectors. Protect Your Hardwood Laminate Flooring! FREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE Shipping Amazon.com Brown Brown Beige Brown Brown Brown and beige 2 weeks ago I stuck these on the bottom of some of my furniture right after we had our hard wood floors redone. Very easy to use. Just moved into a house with all laminate flooring. These come so in handy! All different sizes make it easy to match furniture feet. Just what was needed fits tons of furniture Felty. All the pieces worked for us except for the little ones. The gum/glue was not strong enough on the smallest pads. The pads are just as described, but the glue backing is not as strong as it could be. The product worked for the furniture we needed it for so no complaints there, I just feel... Plenty of options and a great value for the purchase price; however, on regularly used furniture like chairs, the pads smash down quickly and need to be monitored so the floor... Great felt pads, and a good supply of them. Back to the fabric covered plastic furniture gliders, these are too small to be useful
Deal ends May 19.
THAT'S ENOUGH PADS TO BORROW IT TO YOUR NEIGHBORS - GIANT PACK WITH ALL SIZES AND MANY BIG PADS - brown 235 piece: (1) 4 1/3x6”, (20) 2½x½”, (16) 2”, (16) 1 ½, (78) 1”, (40) ¾”, (64) 3/8”. Pads for all Your home furniture and items which you have!
FORGET ABOUT SCRATCHES! Furniture felt pads X-PROTECTOR™ - best protection for Your wooden, laminate or tiled flooring in Your lovely home. Our furniture coasters create shield between floor and furniture, desks & tabletops, which carefully protect surface from scratches and scuffs.
SIUTABLE FOR ANY HOME FURNITURE - our wood floor protectors are perfect for any type of chair legs, furniture feet and other home furniture, electrical and other items. It’s very easy to stick our felt floor protectors to Your home furniture and items.
STRONG MATERIAL AND TENACIOUS ADHESIVE! Our furniture pads are made of strong eco-friendly material with recycled fibers. Tenacious adhesive guaranteed You can easy stick it to any furniture surface and be sure it will hold on and protect for a long time.
ONLY 100% SATISFACTION WITH PREMIUM FELT FURNITURE PADS X-PROTECTOR™! If You don’t like our hardwood floor protectors we will refund your money. ORDER IT NOW WITH RISK FREE!