• Amazon offers YYout Himalayan Rock Crystal Salt Lamp with Dimmable Switch, Electric Wire and Three 15W Bulbs, 3 – 5 lb for $22.99 $19.54.
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  • Deal ends Aug 11.

  • Weight approxing:3-4.5lbs
  • Salt lamp base and the lamp body can be separated,more convenient. This item with three bulbs.
  • Natural Himalayan salt lamp will absorb moisture from the air, and then evaporated to release negative ions.It can play a role in purifying the air, called natural ionic air purifiers
  • The dimmable switch let you can adjust the brightness of the light, and downy light can let you have a good dream. Exquisite appearance not only as a night light during the day can also be a beautiful ornament, this is a suitable gift for yourself and your friends.
  • Because salt lamp is a natural product, so you get the shape of the salt lamps may be random style

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